Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Chopinesque Potrait
sentimental classics

One of my favourites by Monsieur Chopin, not rare but always neglected piece.The following description is derived from the booklet of CD.

'Chopin's third and final piano sonata was written in 1844, at a time when he was suffering serious emotional problems as a result not only of his father's death but also of the alarming deterioration in his own health and the first signs of his breakup with George Sand. Perhaps it is here we must seek an explanation for the superabundance of musical ideas and the apparent formlessness of the opening movement, although closer inspection reveals a highly deliberate process of "developing variation". Here, too, perhaps lies the reason why the composer ranges so widely across a whole field of tonal relationships, not returning to the home key of B minor until the final movement. '

Storm-like opening

The romantic sostenuto, which theme build on a variation form for the rest of the movement.

The sheet music here is extracted from the Jan Ekier edition of Chopin sonatas, serves as an example of Chopin's musical form. Chopin URTEXT editions are abundant but only Paderewski, Cortot and Ekier's are considered the best.

Here is the first movt. Allegro maetoso played by Cyprien Katsaris, whose interpretation has a great influence on me playing Chopin.

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