This list is compiled from a few lists from various piano forums, a few composers has been added by me. This list is ever-updating and not permanent, it can be used as a reference to choose your favourite works for your baroque music repertoire. This list is alphabetically ordered.
John Alcock
'Suites or Easy Lessons' (published by ABRSM)
Jean Henri d' Anglebert
'Pieces de Clavecin' (IMSLP)
Thomas Augustine Arne
8 'Sonatas' or 'Lessons for the harpsichord'(IMSLP)
Johann Sebastian Bach
refer to internet resources
John Blow
'6 Suites' and many keyboard works (Stainer and Bell)
Georg Bohm
'11 keyboard suites' (IMSLP)
Dietrich Buxtehude
'19 keyboard suites' and '6 variations' (Breitkopf or Dover)
Thomas Chilcot
'6 Suites', '2 sets of concertos (accompaniment missing)' (some by ABRSM, LePupitre, and Oxford)
Domenico Cimarosa
'36 sonatas' (some at IMSLP)
Arcangelo Corelli
'24 Dances for keyboard' (arranged from his concerti, authorship doubtful) (IMSLP)
Francois Couperin (nephew of Louis)
more than 230 works (IMSLP)
Louis Couperin
'Pieces de clavecin' from Bauyn manuscript, complete list of pieces refer here
William Croft
'16 Suites' and others, the grounds are especially appealing, a worth to discover composer (Stainer and Bell)
Jean Francois Dandrieu
3 books of 'Pieces de Clavecin' (IMSLP)
Louis Claude Daquin
'Pieces de Clavecin' , famous being 'Le coucou' (IMSLP)
Girolomo Frescobaldi
'Complete Keyboard Works in 5 vols.' (Barenreiter at IMSLP). His works are worth to discover but much time is needed to venture through.
Baldassare Galuppi
about 130 sonatas, selections being published in separate volumes, there is an ongoing project of the complete piano sonatas by Armelin Musica.I think the 12 sonatas are enough to be performed.
Georg Frederic Handel
His suites are underplayed, with many other keyboard works, first editions and urtexts are in IMSLP
Matthew Locke
'Melothesia' and other suites(complete keyboard works by Terence Charlston)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet
'6 Suites' and 'Lessons for harpsichord', very great gems seldom played. (IMSLP)
Benedetto Marcello
'12 sonatas op.3', old edition by Le Pupitre, selections in Armelin Musica, original Ms. in BNF (France)
Giovanni Martini
'6 Sonatas op.3' (Bologna, 1747) (1,3,5 for organ; 2,4,6 for cembalo) (Heugel edition)
Johann Pachelbel
'Hexachordum Apollonis' and others (complete keyboard works at IMSLP)
Pietro Domenico Paradies
'12 Sonate per gravicembalo' (gallica)
Giovanni Pescetti
'6 Sonatas', most famous being no.6 Presto, survived in manuscript at SLUB Dresden; '9 Sonatas', published in his lifetime (gallica)
Giovanni Pergolesi
Authorship doubtful. Sonatas in G,A and D major.
Christian Petzold
famous now for being the original composer of the 2 minuets of 'Anna Magdalena Notebook', few works survived, a suite in IMSLP.
Giovanni Benedetto Platti
'6 Sonatas op.1', '6 Sonatas op.4' (IMSLP)recording of complete keyboard sonatas by Ravizza
Daniel Purcell(cousin of Henry)
'Lessons for the harpsichord or spinet' (IMSLP)
Henry Purcell
'8 suites' and more, all in IMSLP
Jean Phillipe Rameau
'Premier livre de clavecin', 'Pieces de clavecin', 'Nouvelles suites de clavecin', all in IMSLP
Joseph Nicolas pancrace Royer
'Pieces de Clavecin' in IMSLP, mp3s in youtube (falernoducande1961)
Giovanni Marco Rutini
'6 Sonate op.1', '6 Sonate op.2', '6 Sonate op.8', '6 Sonate op.9', all published by cornetto verlag; op.9 at gallica; op.6bis and op.11 at IMSLP; '6 Sonate op.5', old edition by Edizioni de Santis, others include op.3,5,6,7,12,13, all in sets of six, op.10,11,14(3) with violin.
Pier Giuseppe Sandoni
'Harpsichord sonatas' in manuscript kk33(museum of Bologna); 'Lessons for Harpsichord'; detail of works refer here
Padre Antonio Soler
about 300 sonatas, with a style similar to Scarlatti
Carlos de Seixas
Portuguese baroque genius with a composing style similar yet superior to both Soler and Scarlatti
Georg Telemann
'36 fantasias' being his only published keyboard works, widely used as a teaching piece.
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